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By Michaela Bush

Back To Him: A Thirty-Day Devotional on Giving Up Old Hurts and Relying on God

 Non-fiction / 77 views


Everyone encounters suffering through their lifetime.
What you do with it involves a series of choices.

In this devotional, we’ll learn…

  • To pursue forgiveness, not bitterness
  • To reconcile the past and rely on God for strength
  • The importance of moving forward
  • How Satan uses hurt to distract us from God, and how to fight against his schemes
  • Why we need to submit ourselves to God in continual obedience

With daily readings, Bible verses, a starter prayer, and questions to contemplate with God, this devotional shares a personal journey of healing while presenting the case for giving up control back to God, throwing off the bondage of sin and shame we’ve held onto for too long.

Back To Me

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