Back To Him: A Thirty-Day Devotional on Giving Up Old Hurts and Relying on God
Non-fiction / 77 views
Everyone encounters suffering through their lifetime.
What you do with it involves a series of choices.
In this devotional, we’ll learn…
- To pursue forgiveness, not bitterness
- To reconcile the past and rely on God for strength
- The importance of moving forward
- How Satan uses hurt to distract us from God, and how to fight against his schemes
- Why we need to submit ourselves to God in continual obedience
With daily readings, Bible verses, a starter prayer, and questions to contemplate with God, this devotional shares a personal journey of healing while presenting the case for giving up control back to God, throwing off the bondage of sin and shame we’ve held onto for too long.
- Listing ID: 6380
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- Rating: All Ages
- Author: Michaela Bush