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By O. McCarthy


 Science Fiction / 56 views


A boy with martian genetics. A government with nefarious secrets. A complex game of power that challenges right and wrong.

For fourteen years Reach has lived with his mother, helping with research projects, attending school, and studying the game of chess by night. Everything is followed to standard regulation and everything is classified — even information about Reach himself —until the day a government official arrives and makes a move on the chess board of Reach’s life.

In Nation, the greatest honor is serving on a space mission. Those who come back alive are heroes, if they follow orders. When Reach is chosen, he learns dangerous secrets about himself and the government. As he navigates the complex politics of Nation, Reach relies on his skills for survival. Faced with high stake choices, Reach must decide what he’s willing to risk. Will he be successful in forging his own path, or die trying?

In chess, even a pawn can checkmate.

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Tales of Nottingham, #1: Thief

If there’s one thing an outlaw can’t resist, it’s a damsel in distress. Marion’s life has been meticulously laid out for her – rise the ranks of society, marry the person her father chooses, and serve the Sheriff of Nottingham to the best of her abilities. But after a chance

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Pioneer Horizon (Mydlands)

A group of scientists and the Marines assigned to guard them are on the surface of planet Novus-147 assessing it for potential human colonization. When a deadly storm rolls in with no warning, they lose contact with the USS Calypso in orbit overhead. Will they survive? Will they be able

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Stronger for Language: A Mydlands Short Story

Kenzie discovers she has unique skills from hours spent translating what her twin 3-year-olds are saying. She just might save the day when her husband, the starship’s captain, gets into a linguistic pickle with a new alien race! Stronger for Language is part of Mydlands, a Creative Commons sci-fi universe.

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The Steel Hand #2 The Black Claw

A savage pirate. Bounty hunters seeking revenge. A cyborg caught in the middle. When murderous pirates slaughter a crew of innocent civilians and Krys’s captain is unjustly blamed for it, Krys must hunt down the real killers to clear his name or watch him die in the fighting pits. Krys

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Firmament, #9: Intoxication

Something’s not quite right. Outfitted with the first hyper-warp drive, the Surveyor prepares to test it on a groundbreaking mission. Andi is cautiously optimistic when she learns that her beloved cousin Crash will finally have an official place on the ship. With new technology, however, comes new challenges. Another ship arises seemingly

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