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By Erika Mathews

Resting Life: Jesus' Rest for the Busy or Burdened Believer

 Non-fiction / 46 views


A Christian Living book – your guide to experiencing Jesus’ rest every day

Today’s society screams a tune of busy, busy, busy. Stress levels peak, tensions mount, priorities press upon us. Abundant, fulfilling life in the kingdom of God often seems but a distant speck on the horizon of our daily lives. Yet that speck can immediately become your daily reality when you enter that which Jesus has kept for the people of God: a life of rest.

A resting life is a fulfilled life.
A resting life is a productive life.
A resting life is a peaceful life.
A resting life is free to love and be loved.

But just what is Biblical rest, and how can our modern life seamlessly unite with this rest?

In Resting Life: Jesus’ Rest for the Busy or Burdened Believer, Erika Mathews tackles this question and addresses the conjunction of rest with practical areas such as fruitfulness, prayer, meditation, spiritual warfare, ministry, witnessing, personal abiding, and relationships with others. Through understanding and embracing God’s rest, you too will be uplifted, challenged, encouraged, and freed to live life as He intended—within Him.

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